This week we are visited by the 5 of swords and the 10 of wands. I gotta say, these cards are not my favorite to pull, especially as we move into a full moon and while in the shadow period of the forthcoming Mars retrograde! But they do offer useful lessons on how to pick our battles (or set them down altogether) and use the anger we experience as a tool not a weapon against ourselves or others. As Johannes Friburg urges with the Five of swords, this is an opportunity for us to practice "giving up habits and the subconscious urge to relive past emotions.” Such feelings can be dangerous because they tell a story that feels like an urgent gospel truth, but is actually just a narrative to keep us focused on our rage and obsessed with getting some kind of twisted justice from using it. Be aware of the ways in which you believe you have to take on fights that aren’t actually supportive or transformational. And always, always, always, stay on top of your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual hygiene. Do things that are grounding to keep you focused and present, ramp up your spiritual protection, and take great care of yourselves! Prayers up during these challenging times! Couldn't resist a photo with this angel bust in my friends' in Denver backyard!
I shared reiki over IG Live for the first time in many weeks! This week's session is about our inherent wholeness and interconnectedness. A very important message as we move into some challenging astrology for the rest of the year! Apologies for the weird video ratio problem for the first several minutes of the video - it gets back to normal a little bit before the 8 minute mark!
Pick a card is back! Take a moment, get settled, set your intention or question, and choose one of the three cards above. Answers after the jump!
Informed by the Temperance and Strength cards, this reiki session and meditation is to support your transformation. Temperance is a card of alchemy and change, coming after the Death card. What we release in Death, allows us the room and grace to let go of control and be supported by Spirit. Enjoy the beautiful landscape, and I hope you find this session helpful for moving through these intense times!
The new moon in Leo is coming up this Tuesday! In this video I talk about Leo season, power, and the courageous action of moving through the uncertainty of new beginnings. Today, though, we are still in the dark moon period. If you are interested in doing spell, ritual, or healing work during these times, use the dark moon-new moon period for release, cleansing, contemplation, protection, and rest. For manifestation ritual work, wait until you can see the moon again in the sky; Friday would be a perfect day for that kind of spell casting!
How has Leo season been affecting you thus far? Let us know in the comments! To build off of this week's cards in the intuitive update, I wanted to offer some reiki for receptivity, collaboration, and releasing tendencies towards overwork. Enjoy this soothing connection to your creative self, and allow yourself to be supported!
This week in the intuitive update we are visited by the 3 of pentacles and the 10 of wands. Their message is of collaboration and knowing how to ask for help, especially when it comes to releasing the inclination towards overwork or oppressive individualism. How have you been asking for help lately? What are ways that you have been leaning on your community during these challenges times? Let us know in the comments!
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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