Today’s full moon in Libra is in opposition to the sun, Venus, and Chiron in Aries. our love and our healing are being highlighted and they are calling us to joyful action. To know that balance isn’t just about the hard work of existence in a human body with all of the trappings of that. But about the unique possibilities for joy and action that are available to you right now. We are the creators of this world. It is up to us to tip the balance towards justice, peace, and wholeness. The time for us to act is now! The downloads I am receive point to this time being especially ripe for embodying what it is you wish to see in the world. All of our hard work and growth is paying off - we are no longer shackled by the old ways; our liberation is here and we are creating the future!
Music: "Ohm" by Jason Shaw. This creative commons music is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This week we are visited by Death and Temperance (with a brief little visit by The Hanged Man as well). These cards invite us into surrender, transformation, and alchemical assistance from Spirit. I talk about some of my personal experiences with observing my fears around releasing control and honoring liminal space. I also wanted to share the tarot spread I mentioned in the video by my colleague Moriah Simmons, who created a lovely spread about befriending the void, click here to see it! Let me know if you end up using the spread and what comes up for you!
Happy new moon in Pisces! I pulled some cards for us for guidance for this weekend's new moon in Pisces and pulled the eight of pentacles, the knight of wands, and the World underneath the nine of pentacles. The message: what you put in is what you get out, and the medicine will be sweet. Take a listen and share your thoughts in the comments!
This week's pick a card invites us into reflection, healing, and connecting with our ancestors. Take a moment, drop in, and pick a card. Answers after the jump!
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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