A big message comes through for Thursday’s full moon in Aries! In this update, we not only talk about the energy of this full moon, but also how Mars retrograde in Aries may be affecting our lives currently. Though we may be experiencing grief, frustrations, delays, and miscommunications, the message from Spirit is to not give into despair and cynicism, but to know that our actions now matter and will continue to matter! We are being asked to not abandon our faith and conviction, to practice patience and dogged courage, so that when the dust settles (like say, when Mars and Mercury are both direct again in November) we will emerge, refresh, renewed, and with a greater sense of conviction. Spirit is not only saying that they are with us - they are asking, are you with me too?
A reassuring message comes through this week with The Magician and the 9 of pentacles. I was surprised to get these cards this week, but I am certainly not going to block the blessings that are being offered through their insights! In this audio clip, I talk about how ease, presence, and pleasure are essential tools to support us in embodying our magic and stepping into the responsibility that we must hold on to to get through these challenging times. Take a listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Pick a card is here! Take a moment, set an intention or focus on a question, and pick one of the cards above. Answers after the jump!
This week's update is about reclaiming your power when you feel powerless, and reclaiming your love when life feels devoid of it. I share about the Queen of Wands and the 2 of cups, and the visceral imagery of these cards as illustrated by the Thoth deck!
As always, if you have questions or thoughts, leave them in the comments, or pop me an email! Today we welcome a full moon in Pisces. This transit asks for us to consider our capacity for great transformation around how we think about and process our feelings and needs. Revelations, insights, and big feelings will come through with greater ease - this energy can be supportive, but it can also be overwhelming. Thankfully, we have a grand trine with the Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter, which will bring a stabilizing energy to these insights. The moon is also sextile Uranus, bringing potential for erratic feelings, especially around stability and what is happening in the physical world - e.g. money, our homes, our bodies, etc. But use this energy for creativity and for unabashedly owning your big ideas and wild dreams. Let your freak flag fly, as they say. The Moon usually features some of the trippiest imagery in the tarot. Pisces rules the tarot card The Moon. The Moon is one of the Moving through The Moon during times of uncertainty. The Moon asks for us to let go. The Moon is not something that we intellectualize. It is something we move through. Just like working with our intuition. It’s something that we become available for, not force. It asks us to show up with vulnerability and curiosity. It is a shadowy realm, yes, but our shadows are not our enemies. Shadow is a place to be held. To safely set down our burdens. We are held in shadow for 9 months (give or take) in the womb. And when a child is in the womb, every precaution is taken. Every sensitivity is accounted for. And so we must do the same when we pass through shadow. Ramp up your energetic and psychic protection during this time, not from a place of fear, but because we know we are worthy of this attention and care - use it as a form of of self-care, affirmation, and tenderness for yourself. Boundaries are an act of love.
From what I wrote last year on the blog about the full moon in Pisces: "This full moon in Pisces reminds us that there is no separation between the celestial and the human. That we are too part of the cosmos. That we travel on a galactic journey of wonder and awakening. And it is our humanity that is the gateway to our magic. Indeed, embodiment is not a curse or punishment put upon us. It is a choice to awaken and evolve through our human communion with Spirit.” This year’s full moon is both grounding and revelatory. There is great potential for us to unlock something truly special with this moon cycle. So let the ritual and magic begin! |
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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