Pick a card is here! Take a moment, set an intention or focus on a question, and pick one of the cards above. Answers after the jump! Text taken from the Visions: Crystal Oracle deck guidebook.
White Opal Opals are one of the most previous stones on earth. The rainbow flashes of color are made up of water and microscopic spheres of silica. White Opal enhances inner radiance, especially in times where your confidence has been lost. Major changes, break ups, job loss etc. all take a toll on our hearts and self-esteem. White Opal wants you to take some time to connect with your guides, whomever they may be. This stone is here to help you with clearing up any negative self-talk, right now is a time of self-nature, respect, and care. Surround yourself with and accept yourself as a beautiful creature that is deserving of all kinds of love. Zodiac: Cancer Tarot: The Star Tigers eye Tigers eyes is a stone that brings balance to the body when anxiety and stress levels are high. It may be showing up for you right now if you are dealing with feelings of isolation, inadequacy or low self esteem. Tigers eye is here to remind you that reaching out to your friends and loved ones is especially important right now. This is not a time to hermit away in your sadness and anxiety. When we feel lost, misunderstood and alone we may not want to share these feelings with others, but connection is vital to our survival. Tigers eye increases emotional stability, confidence and will power to get a clearer perspective on things. Zodiac: Leo, Capricorn and Gemini Tarot: 3 of Cups Pink Tourmaline Pink tourmaline is a stone of love offerings and kindness. It is good for reducing fear and panic and can also help with inner child healing. Pink tourmaline is considered a healers stone and reminds anyone who is doing healing work for and with others, of the importance to heal their own emotional issues as well. If you are finding yourself giving really good advice to your loved ones lately, perhaps your own wise words to be taken seriously and applies to your own life. Sometimes other people’s dilemmas offer opportunities to mirror something in our own lives that needs healing. You have to unpack your garbage before you can assist in someone else’s unpacking. Pink tourmaline is offering you assistance in rising above feelings of misery and sorrow and encourages you to do the hard work that comes with healing our hearts. Zodiac: Taurus, Libra, Scorpio Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles Comments are closed.
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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