This week I talk about a card I find personally challenging, the 7 of cups! I share a story about my relationship with the card that reveals some of its lessons of releasing illusion. I also talk about how it relates to how we pursue fulfillment and how we can better practice finding that centeredness within.
Sorry for the occasional audio blips in this recording - I was sitting my card on the laptop as I was speaking so it made a lot of noise whenever I picked it up and put it down. Who knew a little card could be so loud?? Nevada is a strange state. It feels very simple to be here. Living here is easy. Too easy. It almost feels like a spell, a land that has magic worked on it in order to keep people comfortable and complacent and starting businesses and spending money with ease. Everything man-made feels huge. The highways, the casinos, the signs, and the stores. The desert is huge and vast too. It feels like no other desert I have experienced, and I have lived in a few over the last year and a half. It feels much creepier and more alien, empty and foreboding. The mountains off in the distance look like a landscape transplanted from Mars. It's quite the change from being in the high desert of New Mexico or the liveliness of the Coachella Valley. I don't quite know what to make of this place, but it has been very supportive of me in my time here, and I imagine it will continue to be down the line... I wanted to share some photos of the area I am staying, near Las Vegas as I crash with friends for a few weeks. Maybe I'll get an apartment and settle down here for a couple months. Maybe I won't. The beauty of living nomadically. There's always a greener pasture somewhere... Bonus ram video!! If you say so, Las Vegas.
Reflections on the new moon in Capricorn as it plays out in an already explosive Hierophant year, transformation through indulgence, and the unfulfilled promises of power.
Last week I shared some thoughts on the rioters at the Capitol, 2021 as a Hierophant year, and what is means to live from your values. Check it out below!
Here are 11 of my favorite videos and writing from the blog in 2020. These pieces were selected for their timelessness and resonance, so please enjoy as you revisit!
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn from Dec 2020 Night Sky in the Desert from Dec 2020 Reiki for anger from June 2020 The Tower's Promise from June 2020 A spell and invocation for supporting Black lives from June 2020 Reiki for grief from May 2020 Glow, Child, Glow: Music and Healing the Inner Child from May 2020 The North Node in Gemini from May 2020 4 of Cups and Cactus Quartz from April 2020 The Devil and The Lovers from February 2020 6 of Pentacles from February 2020 In this week’s update I talk about Judgement (one of the cards, along with The Emperor, for 2020) and the Hierophant (the card for 2021), what we have learned from 2020 about revolution and awakening, and how to move forward with soul-centered expression and action in 2021.
I also talk a little bit about The Good Place, and if you find my description of the show lacking, which it very well may be, here's the Wikipedia page! This week in the intuitive update, I am sharing about Jupiter and Saturn meeting in Aquarius for the first time since the 15th century, welcoming in Capricorn season after a tough year in the sign, and the Wheel of Fortune and The World in the tarot! The similarities between The Wheel of Fortune and The World are just as striking as how very different their planetary rulers are. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, faith, and belief, while Saturn teaches us boundaries and rules. Jupiter shows where we can play and Saturn tells us how we need to clean up afterwards.
The cards themselves illustrate containers - the imagery featured are circles enclosed within themselves, that are also guided by mystical forces. They both hint at the lessons and consequences of karma, while simultaneously showing the potential of dharma. There is the message of inherent wholeness, worthiness, and the potential for exploration when we choose to let go of any illusions of control. Aquarius is a humanitarian sign. It is concerned with the limitless potential of humanity and how we intentionally enact that potential. Aquarius' traditional rulership is Saturn, its modern one is Uranus. So essentially what the great conjunction teaches us is that we are responsible for both our blessings and our structure. What we put in is what we get out. So expect Saturn in Aquarius to keep us in check as we innovate and evolve - are we living up to our potential? And if no, why not? What steps do we need to take to make those radical changes necessary to breathe new life into our current structures? How do we demonstrate intentional, Spirit-centered care into our very human experiences? Big questions! Leave your thoughts in the comments below if you feel so inclined! What is unfolding for you today? Though I am not a fan of the commercialism of this season, I have always enjoyed the winter solstice and the winter holidays in general! They are a bright spot during the long, cold darkness of this part of the year. It is a time of rest, intention, and drawing yourself closer to your loved ones.
The challenge of this year, of course, is that many of us are not able to be near our loved ones. But perhaps there are greater things that are coming to the surface now as well. Not only are we navigating how to be apart from those we care about, the strain of the pandemic has also brought greater attention to our relationships in general: those to ourselves, our families, friends, jobs, lovers, money, everything that we know and hold dear has come into question in some way. We are in a moment of crisis. All of us are grieving some loss, big or small, this year. And yet from loss, comes change. From loss, comes renewal. From loss, comes an opportunity to plant new seeds as well. How can we use this time to consider the potential of crisis, the gifts of such times? The gold hidden through the darkness of this long hibernation, all while nurturing our tenderness and grief? We acknowledge the things that we have lost. We acknowledge that those things may never return to us, not in the same way at least. And we await the day when we are faced with. And when faced with their memory, we choose to honor it by showing up as our highest selves, with the knowledge and action that we gained by trusting our paths enough to say goodbye. Nurture yourselves through this long night. Nurture yourselves through this great unknown. The “future" is uncertain because we await you to create it. The opportunity and time is now. In this video, I talk about the nodal transits and this month’s eclipses, how those eclipses are making themselves known through my own natal chart, sacred rage, and becoming comfortable with being the change you wish to see in the world. I talk about these topics through the lens of the 6 of wands and Justice, anchoring us into presence, leadership, and embodying (not identifying with!) our belief systems. Oh, and I talk a bit about Jupiter and Saturn meeting in Aquarius on the solstice next week. Get excited for a big shift!
On today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius, I am drawn to the words I shared as a baby witch for my old project Two Young Crones on the new moon in Sagittarius in 2016:
the rules are being rewritten. how can we use this to our advantage, adapt this to our own organizing and self-care? how do we remain socially conscious in a world where the truth seems to be elusive, and down right irrelevant, disregarded, distorted, and discarded? during this new moon in sagittarius, we can see that the light that is being shone is aimed in the wrong direction. this is an opportunity to be deeply present. if one is lost and there seems to be no hope, an easy choice can be to give up, set down your light, and let come what may come. but taking the time to shine a light on that darkness to clearly see your obstacles, you also gain insight on the path to truth that will bring peace. take a pause and study the darkness face to face. do not be afraid, for you possess fire as a beacon to intuition and progression. sometimes the hard work can be in just looking… as we look deeply, we can take the time to examine where we can pinpoint our wisdom and find solid ground with which to proceed. this illumination forces us to see the dust and grime that is settled in the cracks; what debris are you clearing out that should have been tidied up a long time ago? when the rules are being re-written, are we strong enough to build healthful, progressive systems in their place? It is fascinating how these thoughts are still so deeply relevant to this current moment. The last four years have been a practice of relentless revelation - the acute and imperative awakening to the cracks and fissures of our foundations. To deny the shadow of this moment would be to bypass the realities of the challenges and violence that we are moving through right now. And even still, there is something to be said of the fact that Sagittarius is the sign of optimism, freedom, and conviction. It is meaningful, and necessary, to apply your belief to moments of darkness. To shore up your courage to be with what is here now and illuminate the dark places with your vision, wisdom, and care. Take time to rest today, to dream, to imagine, to repeat your truths over and over and over in order to invite them to stay where they are needed and uplifted. Be an intentional caretaker of your revolution. |
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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