This week the intuitive update is coming in text form! I recorded audio but I sound very stuffy and there's a bit of background noise, so I decided to transcribe the transmission. You can read it in full after the jump!
TAKING UP SPACE subscribers! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are. This is the weekly intuitive update. The card I pulled for us to talk about this week is the 5 of pentacles. It was in its reversal when I pulled it, but even in its reversal, it’s still not a card that I love pulling! In spite of all that, it is a very relevant card for where many people are at right now. The pentacles are earth and that refers to our money, career, home, body, our health, how we take care of the material stuff of life. The 5s usually point to some sort of change, a depression, a destabilizing change that reminds us of what we are afraid we don’t have and so the 5 of pentacles is about experiencing or feeling a loss of safety, security, agency, material, finances. I know that a lot of people are feeling like they are losing a sense of autonomy, sense of support right now. This is a challenging time for people in my field, this is the time of year where it can be a little slow, readers are feeling the pinch. Lots of progressive people, leftists who are disappointed by the establishment, the Democratic National Convention, disappointed by the result of the primary yesterday, especially if you’re a Bernie supporter. People might still be feeling frustrated and disenfranchised after Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race. There’s also the coronavirus going around and with that events are being cancelled, quarantines enacted, and people are feeling a sense of fear, to the point of irrationality and anxiety and resource hoarding, while people with pre-existing health conditions have very real concerns about the spread of the virus and how it might affect their health. So there is a lot right now about what we lack. and how to survive through this sense of lack. If you’ve been working with me for a while or following my work, you know that I am always trying to find the lesson or medicine in all situations, especially the challenging ones. And sometimes that doesn’t feel like enough. This feels like one of those times. So I just want to offer people the space to be able to feel angry, to feel disappointed, and know that you are heard. To acknowledge that things in this world are not as they could be, because it’s not easy right now. And we are also mourning because it could be easier, it could be more supportive. It could be better for people. And yet it isn’t. We have an abundance of resources. There’s so much in this world to support all of us in our in our healing and health. And yet here we are now, feeling this struggle, this sense of disconnect, between how we know we can support and care for each other instead of what we are actually doing, which is hurting. A big thing that’s coming up for me is how does one speak honestly about their challenges without succumbing to them or identifying with them? Because our challenges are real but the relief emotionally and spiritually comes from not defining ourselves by those challenges. But if you are having a hard time say for example having your basic needs met, you’re sick, impoverished, you’re not sure where your next money is going to come from. Then how do you authentically share your truth and move through this world in the belief that things will be okay? How do you align yourself with the belief that you are taken care of and supported? When you feel alone? When everything around you is falling apart? I find relief in the fact that this card is in its reversal. It tells me that positive changes are coming. That speaking the truth matters. We have to keep the faith that the work we are putting in matters, that self-care and speaking out about injustices both have ripples that will continue to effect us and others through time and space. To know that this discomfort is temporary. I wish I could offer something lighter today! I wish I could say I knew all the answers. I do believe we will get through this. Caring for your community, keeping yourself open instead of shut down, available for kindness, willing to offer kindness and help, remaining generous and invested in long-term change over immediate gratification, all of that makes a difference. I also want to reiterate what lots of other people are sharing about health - wash your hands frequently, if you use hand sanitizer or make your own, make sure that there is at least 70% alcohol in the concoction, get enough sleep, eat nourishing foods, take vitamins, stay in communication with your loved ones even if you are choosing to avoid events or work from home, walk with confidence, and don’t buy into messages of despair. Just consider all of the industries that are dedicated to us feeling sick, unwell, or uncomfortable in our bodies. The systems as we know it literally feed off of our fear and despair. This is when we are called to step up our self-care practices, not abandon them. Trust that you are meant to be here now, that we need you, that you are loved. Thanks so much for taking the time to receive this today. Take care! Comments are closed.
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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