Pick a card is back! Take a moment, gather yourself, and intuitively choose one of the three cards picture. The answers are revealed after the jump! strength
a card about facing your fears and yet there is ease here. there is delicacy. there is brightness. and this brightness emanates from you. this is how you tend to your tender parts. this is how you face your shadows now. presence and grace. let these be your guide. 4 of swords rx rest is the invitation. why do you choose to resist it? let yourself feel settled. do not fight against what you know you need. we sleep to set the ego aside, to allow our bodies and souls to do the work the work of restoration and integration. allow yourself the vulnerability to dream. 9 of swords what if the dream is what it is you fear? what haunts you about the darkness? know that the shadows dancing on the wall disappear when light is shined on them. but first, be willing to hear. acknowledge the fear. don’t let it steal your peace from you. you have earned it. you are worthy of it. remember you are Love. Comments are closed.
AuthorAlia Walston is a traveling writer and intuitive making connections between the challenges and ecstasies of our evolution Archives
May 2021
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